India’s Mining Industry: Manganese Mining Procedures & Importance

  • India’s Mining Industry: Manganese Mining Procedures & Importance

Did you know that more than 25 million tons of Manganese are in use every year? Yes, you heard that right. Manganese is an important metallic element that has been in use since prehistoric times. Previously it found application as a coloring material, as an alloy for hardening iron and bronze, and as an oxidizer. Currently, according to the mining industry in India,  the steed sector accounts for 90% of Manganese consumption. Thus, in the current scenario, it is easy to state that manganese mining evolved from primitive methods to highly advanced technologies. 

1. A Brief Account Of The Indian Mining Industry:

The GDP contribution of the mining industry varies from 2.2% to 2.5% only. But if you take into account the GDP of the total industrial sector, it contributes around 10% to 11%. Thus, it is a major economic activity that has a lot of significance in making India rich economically. There are several mining companies in Kolkata and other states that help to extract precious minerals which later serve the citizens. India is the 7th largest producer of Manganese in the world and thus has considerable importance in the mining sector. Mining equipment that’s compact, cost-effective, and durable has been effective in bringing positive impact. It paved the way for increased efficiency and better productivity. One of the major advantages is a reduction in waste and chemical production. 

2. Where Does Manganese Mining Occur?

  • Manganese is the fifth most abundant metal found in the crust of the earth. Although 80% of manganese resources naturally occur in  South Africa, there are other places from where you can get an abundance of the metal. These places include Australia, China, India, Ukraine, Brazil, and Gabon.
  • Most manganese mining occurs in open pits. Although there is a provision to mine manganese nodules on the ocean floor, it is not possible to compete with the intricacies of land mining. 

3. What Are The Main Properties Of Manganese For Which It Is A Preferred Metal?

  • Gives steel a hard yet pliable quality
  • Forms ferromagnetic alloys
  • Depolarizes dry cell batteries
  • Decolorizes glass made green by iron impurities
  • Powerful oxidizing agent
  • Used in some fertilizers and for certain grazing animals
  • Found in multivitamin supplements

One of the leading names among the mining companies in West Bengal, Abhinna Mining is doing a commendable job. It is handsomely contributing to the country’s economy through its mine operations by implementing technologically advanced techniques and modern practices. You can contact them for any requirements related to construction work like buildings, bridges and also roads.