What Are The Various Kinds Of Sands Used In the Construction Industry?

  • What Are The Various Kinds Of Sands Used In the Construction Industry?

Are you searching for the best sand mining company in West Bengal? We have the right answer. Read to know about the types of sand used in the construction industry.

Sand is the primary material that comes to use during the construction of any building. Sand provides The much-needed strength, bulk, and stability to materials like concrete, mortar, asphalt, and cement. However, not AlL sand can be used in construction work. There is a specification in the type and nature, and quality of sand that finds use. Sand mining in India follows a strict guideline laid down by the government. This is to ensure that there is no disturbing influence on the environment. 

What Is The Importance Of Sand Mining In The Construction Industry?

Sand helps to determine the strength of the resulting product used in construction. When using sand, the rule of thumb is to avoid contaminated products mixed with clay, topsoil, or vegetation. USINg impure sanD Negatively affects the bond between cement and sand. This in turn can cause an issue in the stability of the structure built. The work of a sand mining company is to extract through an open pit. Construction workers also use sand together with lime or cement to make screed for flooring.

What Are The Different Types Of Sand Blocks Used?

  • Utility Sand: Mainly produced from crushing high-quality industrial quartz, that allows for the formation of uniform grain shapes. Utility sand has a coarse texture and a mixture of beige, tan, white, gray, and brown particles. This type of sand is mainly useful as the base material for concrete. 
  • Concrete Sand: This type of sand has angular granules that work best when used together with cement. It consists of granite rock, gneiss, or limestone. Besides usage in concrete, it also finds application in bedding pipes. 
  • Industrial Sand: This type of sand refers to high purity silica sand and controlled sizing. It is a popular choice in building projects and construction work.  Whole grain silica is usually an important component in specialty cement, flooring compounds, asphalt mixtures, and also, skid-resistant surfaces.

Abhinna mining stands tall as the top name in the mining industry in India. since during any kind of mining activity, there is a possibility of landslides and soil erosion, it is imperative to take control. 

The rapid development of infrastructure all around has resulted in huge demands for sand and gravel. However, the company also keeps in mind that the excess removal of sand can disrupt the ecological balance and the equilibrium of nature with modern and improved technologies, the company is bringing safer options for mining and thereby reducing environmental degradation.