4 Types of Sand You Should Use While Making Buildings Rock-Solid!

  • 4 Types of Sand You Should Use While Making Buildings Rock-Solid!

Possibly, every construction site needs the help of sand mining services. Because sand is the only reason why buildings remain strong and tenacious for years. 

For construction purposes, sand miners in India use different varieties of the mineral. Each type has its own unique purpose. Sand is widely known for its easily compressible and reinforcement qualities. This has increased its demand in recent times. 

Have A Look At These Types Of Sand

Concrete Sand

  • Concrete sand is the most common type found in all sand mining companies in India. It is made from crushing concrete along with a mixture of cement and asphalt. The crushing takes place in the quarry while filtering helps to remove large rock particles. 
  • Mixing water with sand reduces the coarseness present in it and becomes ideal for leveling base layers. It is also beneficial in the construction of walking paths. 
  • The grains of concrete sand is small, so the sand miners can use them to construct softer pavements. Moreover, it provides fundamental rigidity to the base of any buildings. 

River Sand

  • As the name suggests, this type of sand is usually found near streams and river banks. It has a fine quality and is usually whitish-grey in colour. The most popular use is in masonry and concrete works. 
  • River sand is also ideal for brick-works, plastering, RCC, and much more. Unlike concrete sand, this sand has a much better grain shape with a smooth texture. 
  • Further, it demands less moisture since the particles already consist of a certain amount of water. It has 5-20% of silt content and is quite cost-effective. 

Fill Sand

  • This type of sand is ideal for filling purposes. It is a combination of aggregates and sand grains. Fill sand acts as a primary base material for filling large holes, laying concrete, making pavements, etc. 
  • While construction in wet areas, filling sand mines is a lot more beneficial as it helps to solve drainage problems. 

Pit Sand

  • Each sand mining company uses pit sand for constructing superior quality buildings as it is rich in binding properties. It is found generally 2-3 meters underground and is a core sand type. 
  • The sand miners obtain it naturally from deep pits. The outstanding binding properties of pit sand are due to the absence of salts in it. The shape of these grains is angular, sharp, and rough and the colour is mostly “red-orange.” 


If there is a discussion of sustainable sand mining, there is only one name Abhinna Mining. With a complete range of mining services and equipment, it has become the number 1 sand mining company in India. So, get in touch with them today and obtain optimal services.